Tag: garden

White Barn Home & Garden

Creativity Meets Charm at the White Barn

White Barn is a beautiful store in Belfair for décor and floral arrangements. The local owner, Jimmi Cook, tries to make happiness and enjoyment the motivator of the business. “I just do what feels good and brings me joy every day,” Cook says. … read more

Community Scene - Kitsap Farm Tour
Community Scene

Kitsap Farm Tour Draws Thousands

The 2nd Annual Kitsap Farm Tour in August allowed the public to visit 11 farms across Kitsap. The one-day, self-guided tour was a resounding success, drawing in over 2,000 attendees from across the county and beyond. Each site was an opportunity to experience … read more

Bainbridge Gardens

Gifts For Gardeners

WestSound Magazine presents our annual “Gift Guide for Gardeners,” which spans across West Sound, hitting Belfair, Port Orchard, Bremerton, Silverdale and Bainbridge Island. This presents a cornucopia of options for your gardening friend or family member, whether it be an article of clothing … read more

Community Scene - Vista Gardens
Community Scene

Vista Gardens Fall Gathering

Vista Gardens recently hosted Fall Gathering, uniting community leaders, local business owners, volunteers and garden enthusiasts. This special event introduced the new executive director, Baqi Kopelman, who shared his vision for the future of Vista Gardens and officially kicked off the garden’s rebrand … read more

Dendrobium orchid

Three Indoor Plant Choices to Cheer You

November and December are the perfect months to find three types of indoor plants to brighten up any dull day. These plants are great for all the holidays ahead, from Thanksgiving through perhaps even Valentine’s Day. Read on for some ideas on how … read more



How to Attract Birds and Other Creatures to Your Backyard

Imagine peering out your window and spotting an array of colorful birds nesting and bathing in your yard. Not only do birds provide natural insect control, but they also bring joy and melody to your space. Observing them can turn into a fun … read more

Autumn Charms

Autumn Charms for Those Dark Days Ahead

Fall officially begins on Sept. 22, weaving its way toward winter’s arrival in December. In West Sound, September often provides lots of delightful days to spend out among the plants in our gardens. October is often quite lovely, too, but as we move … read more

A female Brewer’s blackbird walks by a rocky coastline showing her true colors.

This Blackbird Is a Beauty, Not a Black Sheep

Like people, birds are sometimes unappreciated and misunderstood. While every species has its place in the ecosystem, some are bigger stars than others. Beach lovers would gladly trade a flock of “seagulls” for hummingbirds. Yet gulls, not hummingbirds, scavenge smelly carcasses from the … read more


Plant Alaska amaryllis bulbs in the fall to enjoy pure white, fully double flowers throughout the holiday season. (Photo courtesy of Longfield-Gardens.com.)

A Winter Season of Colorful Amaryllis Blooms

This winter, brighten your mood and surroundings by planting and growing a few amaryllis. Your thoughts may turn to red when considering this plant, but now you can find a variety of colors and flower shapes. Select the color that best suits your … read more

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