Tag: fruit


Seared Salmon with Spinach and Grapes

4 Fall Recipes Using Grapes

By incorporating versatile ingredients into your holiday cooking, you can make a vast array of tasty seasonal goodies. For example, California grapes are abundant throughout the holiday season and add taste and visual appeal to dishes of all kinds, including in the recipes … read more


In the Market Now

The Versatile Peaches

In the early ’70s, my husband’s job took us to Yuba City, California, which lies at the confluence of the Yuba and Feather rivers. The region is a lush growing area for almonds, walnuts and peaches. Our next-door neighbor’s mother grew several varieties … read more

Coral bells — Heuchera 'Wildberry' (Photo courtesy Walters Gardens, Inc)

Exciting New Plants for 2019

Daylight is burning more hours and highlighting the new plant catalogs scattered across your desk. It is gray outside, with many months left to fill with drizzling precipitation, cold wind and storms. You cannot wait to get outside and grab a handful of … read more


In the Market Now

It’s Pear Time Again!

Passing through Ellensburg in pear season, one is compelled to stop at a fruit stand and be enraptured by the presence of firm, ripe, voluptuous pears. Pears can be red, green and yellow in color, and they grow in sizes from prune-sized seckels … read more


Cherry Lavender Spritzer

Final Chance to Make Summer Sweeter with Fresh Cherries

Whether you use them as a snack, as a special ingredient in recipes or to inspire new dishes, Northwest-grown sweet cherries are one delightful way to celebrate the summer season. Ripened on the tree and generally harvested, packed and ready for sale within … read more


In the Market Now

Why Buy Organic? Part 2: The Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15!

While it is the responsibility of the U.S. of Agriculture (USDA) to ensure food safety, the agency’s broad guidelines can fall short of the minute details many consumers desire. Also, due to the size and workload of the USDA, reports on the safety … read more


Field ready for planting
In the Market Now

Why Buy Organic? Part 1: Fruits and Vegetables

What is the big fuss about buying organic produce and organically grown meats, as opposed to those products that are conventionally grown? Budget-conscious buyers will usually opt for the lesser-priced option, which typically, but not always, is conventionally grown. Next to price, the … read more

Enchanting, Colorful Garden comes from Creative Evolution

Enchanting, Colorful Garden Comes from Creative Evolution

A walk through Lisa and Glenn Eastep’s garden makes it clear that creative minds are at work here — from the clipped gables and rolled-edge roof of the cottage-style home they designed to the inviting, arched entry gate and the foliage colors that … read more

Garden to Glass

From Garden to Glass — and a Spoonful of Sugar

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. So goes the famous song, “A Spoonful of Sugar,” sung by Julie Andrews in the classic Disney movie “Mary Poppins.” Not intended to be about liqueur; however, the song hints to why liqueur … read more

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