Tag: finance



Understand Your Options when Mortgage Payment Forbearances End

The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) wants you to understand your mortgage status if you have not been making payments after being financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. For starters, make sure you know whether you are in forbearance status or … read more


insurance tips

Life insurance 101: Tips for Getting the Right Coverage

Life constantly changes and no one can predict the future, which is why life insurance offers peace of mind that your loved ones are protected financially should anything happen to you. There are many life insurance options available, which is beneficial because that … read more


saving money

Be Prepared: 5 Steps to Build Your Emergency Fund

Many of life’s interruptions can’t be predicted. Not having funds set aside for unexpected problems can leave you racking up high credit card debt or putting yourself in other difficult financial straits. “When it comes to savings best practices, it is especially clear … read more


(Photo: © Chris Ryan / iStock via Getty Images Plus)

6 Tips for Refinancing Your Mortgage

The recent economic downturn has caused many Americans to worry about their money, but there is at least one potential bright spot: lower interest rates. For homeowners, this means that it may be time to consider refinancing your mortgage. Refinancing can give you … read more


(Photo: © monkeybusinessimages / iStock via Getty Images Plus)

4 Steps for Developing a Thoughtful Estate Plan

Many people may avoid estate planning because they think it can be put off until later in life. But experts agree that adults of any age should have a plan in place to make sure their financial affairs are in order after they … read more


retirement planning

Can You Still Live on Your Retirement in the Coronavirus Era?

If you're making withdrawals from your retirement account,...

No doubt about it: The market has had a brutal couple of months. It’s upsetting to check your retirement account and see that some sectors are down as much as 40-50 percent. Granted, some weeks of upswings have been a welcome respite — … read more


Washington State Employment Security Department

What Everyone Needs to Do in Light of the Recent Unemployment Scam by International Ring

Kitsap Sheriff’s office offers tips on how to...

An international ring has defrauded the state of Washington of hundreds of millions in fraudulent unemployment claims — which means that the identity of tens of thousands state residents have been stolen. According to media reports, a well-organized Nigerian ring orchestrated the scheme, … read more


don't be scammed

Mortgage Relief and COVID-19 Scams: What You Need to Know

Unfortunately, during times of hardship, families are often targeted by fraud artists attempting to take advantage of those needing assistance. The COVID-19 crisis is no exception, with many scammers pretending to extend a critical lifeline to struggling homeowners through so-called “foreclosure rescue fraud.” … read more



What to Consider When Reviewing Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

Most homeowners agree that insurance is a necessity, whether it’s for protection and peace of mind or simply because mortgage lenders require it. Having coverage isn’t nearly enough, though. You want to make sure you have the right coverage at the right cost, … read more

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