Tag: energy


power meter

Why You Need to Audit Your Power Bill

Nobody likes getting their electric bill — especially when their energy costs are higher than expected. Worst of all is when individual households can’t pinpoint exactly how they spent so much energy when there’s no immediately obvious underlying cause. The fact is that … read more


heat pump

How the Inflation Reduction Act and Simple Steps Can Boost Energy Savings This Summer

As Americans prepare to spend more cold cash to stay cool this summer, it’s more important than ever to learn how to leverage the benefits of The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Combining these offerings with some simple tips and tricks will help … read more

As long as a cooking vessel is magnetic, it can be used on an induction cooktop.
Barb's Open Kitchen

Induction Cooking — The Wave of the Future

Induction cooktops are taking the food-preparation appliance market by storm. Nearly every cooktop manufacturer — from the high-end La Cornue range models that cost thousands of dollars, to small portable single-burners for RVs and restaurants selling for only $100 or so — is … read more


efficient heating

7 Ways to Reduce Home Energy Costs

When building your budget, utility bills — especially the electric bill — are likely one of your largest monthly expenditures. One of the biggest culprits: home heating and cooling, which account for more than half of the average American household’s annual energy consumption, … read more


spam warnings

Why Email Spam Is Bad News for the Planet

Editor’s note: This EarthTalk column is provided courtesy of E – The Environmental Magazine and published with permission. Dear EarthTalk: Is it true that spam email takes a huge toll on the environment? – P.L., Bern, NC If you are among the 92 … read more


Photo © Srecko Stipovic / iStock via Getty Images Plus

Using Wood Pellets? Prep for Potential Supply Shortage

Between the Russian invasion of Ukraine and sky-high oil and gas prices, a significant pellet fuel supply shortage is likely this winter season. Industry experts say you should plan ahead and secure your fuel now for the cold winter months. The good news … read more

Solar Energy Enhances Northwest Gardening
Design|Build 2019B

Solar Energy Enhances Northwest Gardening

Did you know that in Washington state, owners of solar panels get paid extra for the electricity their systems generate? To make the deal even sweeter, they can save by not needing electricity from the power company in the first place. The Northwest … read more

Solar array at home in Olalla
Design|Build 2018B

Solar Homes — What you Need to Know before Going Solar

The sight of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on residential roofs around West Sound is no longer a novelty. Enticed by the idea of saving on their power bills — or perhaps the idea of helping save the planet — homeowners are joining the … read more


Solar Energy

Five Myths about Solar Panels, Debunked

Home solar panels can drastically cut or even eliminate electricity bills, reduce a home’s carbon footprint, increase resale value, and may even help a home sell faster. The cost of rooftop solar systems has fallen dramatically in recent years, and most homeowners have … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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