Tag: bird watching

A female Townsend's warbler forages in the low branches of a Sitka spruce tree.

West Sound’s Wonderful Winter Warbler

For many, a West Sound winter is a dreary time of year. Trees are devoid of leaves and flowers aren’t blooming. It’s cold, cloudy and often rainy. There is no perceived reason to venture outdoors. Just get cozy with a hot beverage and … read more

A male Eurasian wigeon in the grass shows his trademark rusty head.

Watching for Wandering Wigeons

Birders love a good chase. Not in the literal sense, but in going to a selected spot with the optics and waiting patiently for a particular bird to appear. Birds that have wandered out of their typical range are known as rare birds … read more



How to Attract Birds and Other Creatures to Your Backyard

Imagine peering out your window and spotting an array of colorful birds nesting and bathing in your yard. Not only do birds provide natural insect control, but they also bring joy and melody to your space. Observing them can turn into a fun … read more

A female Brewer’s blackbird walks by a rocky coastline showing her true colors.

This Blackbird Is a Beauty, Not a Black Sheep

Like people, birds are sometimes unappreciated and misunderstood. While every species has its place in the ecosystem, some are bigger stars than others. Beach lovers would gladly trade a flock of “seagulls” for hummingbirds. Yet gulls, not hummingbirds, scavenge smelly carcasses from the … read more

A Virginia rail makes a rare appearance in the open as it searches for its next meal.

Searching for These Secretive Birds is off the Rails

There is no shortage of variety in the world of birds. There are remarkable differences between a heron and a hummingbird or a swan and a swallow. Also, there are places where humans would never dwell, but birds consider appealing. Freshwater marsh habitat … read more

A female Myrtle subspecies of yellow-rumped warbler contemplates its next move at the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge near Olympia.

Bringing in Spring with a Vibrant, Versatile Warbler

Springtime means birdsong. As frosty mornings give way to budding leaves, singing songbirds are a harbinger of winter’s departure and the arrival of spring. Year-round species such as American robins, Pacific wrens and song sparrows are among the first to belt out their … read more

A black oystercatcher walks along the beach at Fort Flagler State Park near Port Townsend.

This Poorly Named Shorebird is an Attention Catcher

Birds are amazing creatures with a variety of adaptations. A hummingbird is quite different from an ostrich and a kiwi has little in common with a swan. While some species may seem drab and uninteresting, others are a collection of unique features that … read more

A male hooded merganser shows off his impressive crest.

The Show Stopper of West Sound’s Wintering Waterfowl

West Sound in winter is paradise for those who enjoy watching ducks. About two dozen species come to the region’s lakes, ponds, streams, bays and open saltwater from late winter to early spring. While there are many similarities among the ducks, differences also … read more

A vigilant female great horned owl guards her fluffy chicks in an old raven nest on a basalt ledge in Central Washington.

The View from the Top of the Food Chain

Life is a competition. Whether we realize it or not, we are always competing with someone for a job, a home purchase or a parking space, to name a few. Even birders are constantly vying with each other for top birder status. It’s … read more

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