Tag: 0002

Fletcher Bay Winery
The Sip

The Busy Season Arrives at Fletcher Bay Winery

Fall is the time of year when all the winemaking happens. It’s “go time” from mid-August (for some wineries harvesting early-ripening grapes like sauvignon blanc) until early November. For most of the wineries in Western Washington, harvest season means multiple trips back and … read more


Staycation Backyarding

10 Things ‘Master Backyarders’ Do (That All of Us Should Emulate)

Over the last couple of years, we’ve had a lot of practice backyarding. This is the act of doing indoor things — think dining, working, entertaining, exercising and even vacationing — outdoors, like in our own backyards. According to the TurfMutt Foundation, which … read more


moving with kids

Stay Sane While Moving: How to Find a Kid-Friendly Rental

Moving with kids can be stressful for all parties involved. While you’re coping with your own stress, trying to find a rental for the whole family, your kids may be worried about leaving their home or attending a new school. Before moving, you … read more


herbed spanish omelet

Brunch Tips and Recipe for Herbed Spanish Omelet

Gathering friends and family doesn’t need to be fancy. With its prime positioning between breakfast and lunch, brunch is a more casual and lighter alternative to the typical dinner party. When charged with hosting a midday gathering, a little preplanning can go a … read more


peace and fitness
Beyond Exercise

Five Ways to Boost the Benefits of Your Time Outdoors

Has your outdoor exercise become routine? Since early 2020, many people headed outdoors to stay fit. The natural world offers many of the benefits of a gym, but sometimes we need a reminder to boost our sense of play and our sense of … read more


Small Home Downsizing

West Sound Area Home Construction Brisker than National Average

Rising real estate values and increasing rents have stretched budgets for homebuyers and renters over the last two years. The median home sales price in the United States jumped by nearly $100,000 from the first quarter of 2020 to the first quarter of … read more


curb appeal

Tips to Attract Buyers When Selling Your Home

Preparing your home for sale may start with ideas for staging the house or spackling and painting over nail holes; however, it also requires a considerable amount of planning and organization. Before opening your home to tours, either virtual or in person, be … read more


EV charging

How to Plan for a Road Trip in an Electric Car

Nearly 35 million American drivers will be on the road this summer and while electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure is still growing, the burgeoning part of the population of first-time EV owners may have to take additional steps to ensure a successful road trip. … read more


Candid Construction bath

Seabeck Builder Receives BIAW’s Excellence in Remodeling Award

From kitchens to bathrooms to entire homes, the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) recently celebrated its 2022 Excellence in Remodeling Awards at Skamania Lodge. Seabeck’s Candid Construction, LLC won the award for Bath $60,001 – $80,000 – Plain Jane Bathroom Transformed to … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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