Insulating work on The Little White Barn, a Company + Cottage project

Three Things You Need to Know Before Insulating Your Home

Whether you’re building a house, renovating an existing home or simply giving your insulation an upgrade, it’s essential to know what to expect. Here are the three most important things that you need to keep in mind before insulating your home: 1. What … read more

How Music Therapy Affects Memory

How Music Therapy Affects Memory

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the number of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease is growing — and growing fast. An estimated 5.7 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer’s. Because the disease currently has no cure, researchers are continually looking for ways to … read more


Black-Eyed Pea, Corn and Rice Salad

Healthy Summer Salad Recipes

Adding more fruits and vegetables is one of the simplest ways to make at-home meals healthier for your family. Focusing your plate on more of the good stuff — vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, plant-based proteins, lean animal proteins and fish — … read more

Biz in Bremerton

Biz in Bremerton

It started out at my ArtHouse in Bremerton with a casual afternoon tea party with a few friends, each having had an art business in Bremerton around the turn of the new century. We wanted to talk about the changes in Bremerton and … read more


dementia care

Activities to Successfully Engage Persons with Dementia

According to a 2019 Alzheimer’s Association report, an estimated 5.8 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease. This sad and startling statistic means many of us know someone who has this terrible illness and are all too familiar with the devastating effects … read more


B-25 Bomber

Wings of Freedom Tour Returns to Bremerton National Airport

The Port of Bremerton will host the Collings Foundation’s Wings of Freedom tour from Monday, June 17, to Wednesday, June 19. These historic war planes will be returning to the Bremerton National Airport to give visitors the opportunity to explore, learn more about … read more

Gig Harbor Garden Tour

Gig Harbor Garden Tour

Gardeners seem to be some of the happiest and nicest people on Earth. There is something euphoric about getting one’s hands in the soil, planting little sprouts and seeds, and watching them become beautiful, living things. As if that weren’t enough to make … read more


Dining Out

6 Calorie Bombs to Avoid When Dining Out

There’s nothing better than a night on the town. But when you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle, restaurant menus aren’t always your friend. Here are six foods to avoid — some are sneaky, some are loaded with calories and … read more

North Carolina Botanical Garden’s “A Hedge against Extinction”

Art in the Garden

"Attract the eye, and the feet will follow."...

Art is an integral part of our lives and is present in our homes, landscapes and public spaces. Gardens have long been a place for art installations, a practice that dwells in history. Even ancient gardens needed structures, and out of that need … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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