When planning to build a new home or remodel an existing one, whom do you call to start the ball rolling on making your dreams a reality? Finding the starting line for a residential building project can feel a bit illusive, so we … read more
Contemporary Thrifting with Amy
With college degrees under my belt, I came back to Bremerton in the early ’70s and got a job managing a parking lot and a rummage sale building in downtown Bremerton. And thus began my “doctorate in thrifting,” so it seemed. My area … read more
Did you know nearly 8 in 10 Americans are trying to improve their sleep this year? In a recent survey, nearly half ranked this goal as their number one priority. If getting better sleep is at the top of your list to improve … read more
When building your budget, utility bills — especially the electric bill — are likely one of your largest monthly expenditures. One of the biggest culprits: home heating and cooling, which account for more than half of the average American household’s annual energy consumption, … read more
Few things go together quite like fresh spring air, warm sunshine and a menu made up of delicious brunch bites. Whether you’re hosting a crowd or simply gathering your loved ones around the family table for quality time together, a menu of morning … read more
Candy Gratton began gardening at the tender age of 5 when she and her parents lived with her grandparents for a time in California. Her grandfather’s garden had been featured in Sunset magazine. Wanting to instill a love of gardening in her too, … read more
Designer Elizabeth Garver
Even as a young girl, Elizabeth Garver knew that she was an artist. She began to sew at an early age and created a variety of art throughout her school years in her hometown of Buffalo New York. Her love of fabrics, design, … read more
Surveillance by cybercriminals on job search portals is akin to an invisible predator lurking in the shadows, waiting for unsuspecting prey — job seekers. Such portals, given their rich databases of personal information, have become hotbeds for cybercriminal activity. “If you think data … read more
Have fun and enjoy picking fresh fruit right outside your door thanks to compact varieties you can grow in containers. Just clear some space on your patio, deck, balcony or front steps that receives at least six hours of sunlight and get busy … read more