
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.


road trip prep

How to Prepare Your Vehicle and Secure Your Home for a Summer Road Trip

As peak summer travel season approaches, the cost and stress associated with road trips are top concerns for many travelers. With 43% of households planning road trips as their top travel plan this year, proper preparation of both your vehicle and home is … read more


power meter

Why You Need to Audit Your Power Bill

Nobody likes getting their electric bill — especially when their energy costs are higher than expected. Worst of all is when individual households can’t pinpoint exactly how they spent so much energy when there’s no immediately obvious underlying cause. The fact is that … read more

(Photograph courtesy Erik Skaar)
Cover Feature

A Legacy Project

Childhood experiences transform into a multigenerational family retreat

For Christie and Tom Jones, building their dream home was more than a construction project — it was the start of a legacy they hope to pass down to family for generations to come. Today, the Joneses are proud homeowners of a three-cottage, … read more

Magnolia Preschool

Four Seasons of Fun and Discovery

At the outdoors Magnolia Forest Preschool, any weather...

Every day is a good day to be a child at a park, and today is no exception. At the group camping site of Kitsap Memorial State Park, several small children are seated in thoughtful conversation beneath the trees. Close by, a little … read more

Celebration of Philanthropy
Community Scene

Celebration of Philanthropy

The Kitsap Community Foundation presented its 31st annual event that brings the community together to celebrate the spirit of generosity that makes Kitsap a place we are all proud to call home. The event was hosted at the Suquamish Clearwater Casino & Resort. … read more

Fashion Trends
Online Exclusive

On-Trend Fashion with a Flair

An exciting fashion show and luncheon were held at Alderbrook Golf and Yacht Club on June 8th, 2024. Fashions by both the golf shop and Cameo Boutique were highlighted by local residents. The event was presented by Pam Hanson and Linda Francisco. Raffle … read more


Apple and Berry Cream Cheese Tarts

Fruit-Infused Fourth of July Recipe — Apple and Berry Cream Cheese Tarts

As patriotic parties roll on throughout the day and fireworks light up the night, Fourth of July fun calls for favorite snacks that complement the excitement. Whether you’re a pyro or prefer to leave the fiery entertainment to the experts, one thing you … read more

Cherry and Terry Jarvis Garden

A Garden Dressed for a Party

The garden of Cherry and Terry Jarvis is...

In the Suquamish garden of Cherry and Terry Jarvis, landscaper Teri Cole has taken garden design to a new level. Several levels, in fact. Cole’s canvas is a lovely piece of high-bank waterfront that makes its way down — one broad step at … read more

Community Scene 2024 Rotary Auction
Community Scene

Long Way Home

Port Orchard Rotary hosted its 51st annual Crab Feed and Auction at Harborside Conference Center. The fundraiser benefited Kitsap One Veteran’s Alliance, serving all active duty, veterans and their families. Sponsors were: BJC Group, platinum; Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, premier; Kitsap Bank, major; … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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