
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.


Apple and Berry Cream Cheese Tarts

Fruit-Infused Fourth of July Recipe — Apple and Berry Cream Cheese Tarts

As patriotic parties roll on throughout the day and fireworks light up the night, Fourth of July fun calls for favorite snacks that complement the excitement. Whether you’re a pyro or prefer to leave the fiery entertainment to the experts, one thing you … read more

Cherry and Terry Jarvis Garden

A Garden Dressed for a Party

The garden of Cherry and Terry Jarvis is...

In the Suquamish garden of Cherry and Terry Jarvis, landscaper Teri Cole has taken garden design to a new level. Several levels, in fact. Cole’s canvas is a lovely piece of high-bank waterfront that makes its way down — one broad step at … read more

Community Scene 2024 Rotary Auction
Community Scene

Long Way Home

Port Orchard Rotary hosted its 51st annual Crab Feed and Auction at Harborside Conference Center. The fundraiser benefited Kitsap One Veteran’s Alliance, serving all active duty, veterans and their families. Sponsors were: BJC Group, platinum; Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, premier; Kitsap Bank, major; … read more


simple gardens

Creating a Low-Maintenance Garden: Tips and Tricks

Gardening is a fun hobby that has plenty of health benefits. If you’ve been thinking about converting a barren backyard into a stunning landscape of greens, these six tricks will help you build a garden that requires minimal time and effort to care … read more


Kitsap History Museum
Nonprofit Spotlight

Kitsap History Museum

Washington state is gifted with almost 45,000 registered and legit non-for-profit organizations. Their missions are wide ranging, but all attempt to address a significant community need, often relying completely on donor funding and an active cadre of community volunteers to do so. For … read more


Patriotic Candy Poppers

Recipe for Patriotic Candy Poppers

Break out the red, white and blue and (safely) set off your favorite fireworks — it’s almost time to honor America’s birthday. Along with all the booms and blasts, make sure your crowd is satisfied with one of the country’s most beloved snack … read more

Love of Dogs

For the Love of Dogs

From Gig Harbor to Kingston, the residents of our area love their dogs. All you have to do is take a walk along one of the lovely sidewalks along the water or trails in the woods. Within seconds, you’ll discover that dogs — … read more

KBA Auction 2024
Community Scene

Yacht Rockin’ Bids & Beats

Attendees were welcomed to the 2024 Kitsap Building Association’s annual auction and dinner hosted at Kitsap Golf & Country Club. The exciting evening began with a silent auction, followed by dinner, a live auction then a “desert dash.” Guests dressed appropriate to the … read more


little child

Outdoor Play Each Day Will Help Keep the Screens Away

It’s difficult to distance ourselves from screens; they follow us everywhere — in the car, into stores, at restaurants and all around our houses. Children often become reliant on screens for entertainment, and parents sometimes use screens as a distraction. While there’s high-quality, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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