The WestSound Magazine blog is your destination for information and tips about living in West Sound — home, gardening, outdoor recreation, things to do and more.



How to Win the Holidays with a Sentimental Touch

Need a few ideas for your holiday décor? Here are four ideas for adding a sentimental touch to your festivities using your favorite photos — or use these ideas for inspiration when you’re planning your next celebration. Set the “menu.” We all look … read more


winter home prep

Prepping Your Home for Cold Weather

As the days get shorter and temperatures begin to cool, it’s time to start thinking about performing seasonal maintenance on your home. Homeowners caught unaware by the quickly changing weather and sudden frigid temperatures (particularly in cooler climates) might face unexpected repairs and … read more



Nearing Retirement? How to Spend Wisely During the Holiday

While an enjoyable part of the holiday season is giving to others, those nearing retirement would be prudent to give something back to themselves as the year nears its end. That’s the advice from some retirement planners: Reduce holiday spending to provide more … read more


Decorating for the Holidays

Home Decorating for the Holidays

Chances are good that at some point during the holiday season, you’ll welcome guests into your home. Whether you lease or own your home, creating a cozy, festive setting for holiday gatherings can actually be quite simple, especially if you take on the … read more


Christmas Tree Fires

Six Christmas Tree Safety Tips

A favorite holiday movie is “Christmas Vacation.” One of the most memorable scenes is the squirrel flying out of the Christmas tree. While funny on the movies, the threat of Christmas tree mishaps can actually be quite serious. Unsecured Christmas trees can topple … read more



Share Your Fixing, Repairing, Mending or Sewing Skills with the Community

Can you fix, repair, mend or sew? Share your skills at upcoming Fix-It Fairs. These are free, three-hour long community events where people can get household items repaired for free by skilled community fixers. Zero Waste Washington and Kitsap County are piloting a … read more



How to Stop Losing Sleep to Binge-Watching TV

A new survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) found that 88 percent of U.S. adults admitted to losing sleep due to staying up late to watch multiple episodes of a TV show or streaming series — and this number jumps … read more



Wild and Scenic Film Fest Comes to Bremerton

Bremerton will be a stop on the Wild and Scenic Film Festival’s tour in December, thanks to Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC). In its 17th year, the Wild and Scenic Film Festival event was started by watershed advocacy group the South Yuba River Citizens … read more



Keep Your Home Safe This Holiday Season

All too often, we don’t take the time to secure our homes or address safety concerns until it’s too late. While it’s nice to focus on family, friends and gatherings during the holiday season, it’s a good idea to take steps to protect … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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