WSMAG.NET Blog » Gardeners Corner

All things gardening — seasonal tips, inspirational ideas, gardening events, plant information and more.


Maidenhair Fern

Celebrate a Wedding Anniversary with a Themed Indoor Plant

Anniversaries are important, and you can celebrate each wedding anniversary in a memorable and meaningful way by finding that “perfect” gift. The tradition of giving gifts for a wedding anniversary extends back to medieval times. During the time of the Holy Roman Empire, … read more


green beans

The Garden Bean Gets Its Due in 2021

There are many species of beans in cultivation around the world, yet it’s the common garden bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, that takes on celebrity status as National Garden Bureau’s vegetable focus for 2021. One of the earliest cultivated plants, garden beans can trace their … read more


Include habitat features in your garden and landscape that are needed to attract and sustain the wildlife you are trying to attract. (Photo courtesy of

Designing a Wildlife-Friendly Landscape

We love watching the bunnies hopping across the lawn or ground squirrels scurrying away with a cheek full of seeds. That is, until they dine on our favorite shrub or take just one bite out of each red, ripe tomato in the garden. … read more


exercise gardening

Top 10 Reasons to Garden

Mobile phones, tablets and apps have become the tools of modern lives. But it wasn’t that long ago that a shovel, a patch of soil and a bag of seeds were the only tools needed to provide sustenance and satisfaction. With the 2020 … read more


victory garden

Tips for Seed Starting Success

You created your wish list, ordered some or all of the seeds you will need, and they are beginning to arrive. Make the most of your investment with a bit of planning. Starting seeds at the proper time, indoors or directly in the garden, … read more


kids in the garden

6 Tips for Engaging Your Children with Gardening

Growing your garden is a rewarding experience, and it’s even more rewarding when you can include your children in the gardening process. While your children might not be too keen on weeding, there are a number of ways to engage them with gardening. … read more


victory gardens

Want to Plant a Climate Victory Garden?

U.S. gardeners have planted more than 8,000 “climate victory gardens,” according to Green America, which promotes these climate-friendly garden. The nonprofit maintains an interactive map that allows members of the public to register their own gardens. COVID-19 triggered a surge in new climate … read more


Aglaonema 'Siam Red' (Red Chinese Evergreen) is a popular low-light plant that can brighten up any space with its beautiful foliage. (Photo courtesy

Low Light, Low Maintenance Houseplants

Don’t let a lack of brightly lit windows stop you from gardening indoors. Include some low-maintenance, low-light houseplants and maintenance strategies to boost your success. Low-maintenance gardening starts with proper plant selection. Match the plant to the growing conditions and your gardening style. … read more


Delnashaugh is one of the most impressive double daffodils with its frilly petals, while early blooming Pink Pride has ruffled cups that start off apricot and gradually turn coral pink. (Photo courtesy of

Trend-Setting Daffodils for Gardens and Bouquets

Daffodils are having their day. Floral designers are opening our eyes to a world of gorgeous daffodils that extends far beyond the iconic yellow trumpets. These unexpected varieties include doubles, bi-colors and split cups, in colors such as creamy white, peach, pink, gold … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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