As we all face these unpredictable times, experts at KidsGardening created and shared these “tried and true,” plant-based activities that are joyful for any age and don’t involve any screen time. The national nonprofit reaches close to half of a million educators, parents and volunteers with free online gardening educational resources and activities.
According to a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology, active interaction (like touching and smelling) with indoor plants can reduce physiological and psychological stress. Outdoor time in nature is equally powerful for restoring a sense of well-being and balance. KidsGardening sees firsthand the positive and life-changing experiences plants and gardening brings to children.
Follow the links below to read the complete instructions for each of these projects.
Kitchen Scrap Gardening
Help the planet and clean up your kitchen — this activity, suitable for all ages, is a great way to think about where your food comes from.
Seed Viewer
There are many different ways to explore plants with simple dried beans from the soup grocery store aisle. This activity is best for kids pre-K to second grade.
Plant People
Create your own “chia pet” family. If you can get your hands on grass seed, this 30-minute activity is perfect for kids up for fourth grade.
Grow Your Own Salad
Already got your seed for greens? Start growing them indoors with your kids’ help. We bet you won’t stop doing this activity, as kids who grow edibles are more likely to eat them. Adults, too!
Pressed Flowers
Once the garden starts blooming, save beautiful spring blooms for future crafts. Pressed flowers provide a base for numerous projects and gifts.
Leaf and Flower Prints
If you have crafting supplies already, including a mallet, this project will help you engage those high-energy kids.
Garden Scavenger Hunt
Turn garden exploration into a game — all you need is a pencil and maybe a clipboard. You can even have prizes for those competitive family members.
Soil Art
No paint on hand, no problem. With a little glue and water, soil can inspire creative artwork.
If you’re looking for additional ideas, KidsGardening has even more lesson plans, garden activities and garden basics. Or look to additional kids gardening inspiration from National Garden Bureau — Butterfly Gardening for Children and Kids, Gardens & Games.