Two Waters Arts Alliance will host a new fundraising event, Colors of Autumn, to benefit its Artist in Schools programs. This new event replaces Two Waters’ popular Spring Fling, which for many years celebrated the art, arts education and artists of the Key Peninsula community.
Colors of Autumn, taking place on Sept. 30, 6-9 p.m. at the Key Peninsula Civic Center, will help ensure that the Artists in Schools programs flourish in 2017-2018. Artists in School is an opportunity for professional artists to deliver hands-on projects in the classroom that complement the curriculum.
Proceeds will also help support community-based programs, including classes, exhibits and concerts.
The evening will consist of music, heavy hors d’oeuvres, silent and live auctions, and a Peoples Choice Award art exhibit. The silent auction will be noteworthy and impressive, featuring original works in a variety of media by 19 artists. Each artwork will be created especially for Colors of Autumn in a 12-inch by 12-inch format. In addition, there will be an exhibition of works by students in the Artist in Schools programs.
Admission is $35 per person, with RSVP required. To receive an invite, email info [at] twowaters [dot] org or go to www.twowaters.org.