How to Incorporate Plants and Flowers into Your home decorating

plantGardening is one of the most popular hobbies in countries all over the world and with good reason. It adds a little bit of beauty to the planet, it’s great exercise and it brings life into the world. However, if you’re spending more and more time indoors, you might want to bring your gardening indoors with you as well.

In addition to making your home even more beautiful, plants make your house a little bit healthier to live in by pulling more carbon dioxide out of the air and replacing it with fresh oxygen for you to breathe. Some plants do better than others, specifically those with more leaves, but all live plants will help to clear the air in your home.

There are all sorts of ways to liven up your home with plants. It’s a great way to bring color into your home through the flowers and through the pots you keep them planted in. You can include cut flowers in a vase on your dining room table for a beautiful scent and a beautiful look that gets refreshed every week.

If you prefer to keep your plants alive in your home, take a look at the amount of light and space that you have.

waiting areaWhat plants will do well in your home will depend on the amount of light you have in the areas you can put them. If you don’t have a lot of light, you’ll do best with plants that don’t need a lot of it.

Species like pothos, heart-leaf philodendron, snake plant, arrowhead vine, cast iron plants and peace lilies do very well with low light. If you have tons of natural light, try something like a jade plant, rubber plants or evergreen trees.

If you have limited space, you can choose a succulent garden or terrarium. You can also make your indoor garden useful by planting herbs you use regularly, which will also make your house smell great. Depending on how green your thumb is, you might also want to choose plants that require limited upkeep so that you are less likely to kill them on accident.

However, there are some things you need to watch out for. If you have tiny people, pets or someone with allergies, you should be extra careful with what plants you bring in. You will need to make sure that the plants you choose are nontoxic if eaten by humans, cats or dogs.

Some beautiful plants like poinsettias and lilies can be extremely toxic to pets, so be careful. It’s also important to know what types of plants your family is allergic to, in order to avoid causing allergic reactions and exacerbating asthma for the people who live with you.

Once you’ve taken all of that into consideration, have a great time picking out the perfect plants for your household. Your family can even help you find great ones that you will all love.

About The Author

Heather Viera is a lifestyle expert and researcher for She is dedicated to achieving a balanced lifestyle, even with two small children and a full-time career. In the little free time she has, she enjoys hiking with her partner and taking her dog to the beach.