The Great Debate: What Eco-Friendly, Chemical-Free Cleaning Products Should You Use?

Spring Cleaning Spring-cleaning is more than just a phrase; it is serious business for many people. After being cooped up in the house all winter with a growing to-do list — and, for some, a case of Seasonal Affective Disorder — it can be refreshing to give your life and your home an overhaul as soon as the warmer weather returns.

Whether it’s spring or summer, this time of year, it’s natural to get the urge to declutter and clean. But many people these days forget to consider their carbon footprint and their effect on the environment when they purchase household products, including common cleaning supplies. In our everyday lives, the more we consume products that rely on the fossil fuel industry, the more we contribute to global warming and climate change.

Are you looking for ways to help? Believe it or not, you can help reverse the troubling trend of climate change by using sustainable, eco-friendly cleaning products — and by encouraging your friends and family to do the same.

When it comes to green living, less is definitely more! You can start by being less wasteful in your cleaning and decluttering habits. Instead of tossing unused items such as clothing, furniture and home goods into the trash, consider reselling items, donating to charities, or giving them to those in need. You’ll feel great about helping others while reducing the amount of trash in our landfills.

You can also switch to reusable towels or cloth rags to wipe down surfaces, rather than disposable paper towels. Even if they are recyclable, paper towels are a manufactured product that creates a lot of waste.

Spring CleaningIn addition to killing trees to make the paper, the very creation of paper towels creates a lot of water waste. Furthermore, scientists at MIT have determined there is no real benefit to using paper towels over reusable cloth wipes at all.

If you have children or pets, you might want to avoid manufactured products altogether. By creating your own homemade cleaning supplies, you can keep your family safe from harmful germs and nasty chemicals.

You can even save money by making your own solutions out of common household ingredients that you might already own — such as vinegar, olive oil, baking soda and essential oils. These products are nontoxic and biodegradable, making them ideal for the environment, pets and humans.

This year, consider adding projects like solar panel installation to your home maintenance to-do list. Not only do solar panels help the environment by providing green energy, they also provide you with “green” money by saving on utility bills. This change is good both for the environment and your wallet.

Summer is the perfect time of year for opening your windows and doors so you can enjoy the fresh air and sunlight. There’s no reason to let a dirty or dusty home stop you from enjoying the season.

With the eco-friendly and chemical-free cleaning tips listed above, there’s no need for guilt. You’ll take pride in cleaning your home while knowing that you are also protecting your family and the environment. Happy cleaning!

About The Author

The mother of two boys, Jackie Waters lives on a farm in Oregon. She is passionate about creating a healthy and happy home for her family, and aims to provide advice for others on how to do the same with her site